Friday, October 30, 2009


Its another catch your breath day. Its great to catch up

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catch up

We had Mental math. And we had catch up day. That felt good.

Progress Today

I was so excited today when I finished my latest practice sheet in Accelerated Math. I am keeping up. I scanned two cards today!! As for exercise 21, I am still working on it, But after a little help, I think I am starting to understand how to do it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oct28, pre-cal

Today in math we were assigned (the joke sheet) or so it is called, we are supposed to have it done for the end of tomorrows class. Soon we'll see the answer to the "joke". Next wednesday is the test, and 45 objectives should be completed, work hard and dont stay frustrated at the same question for more than 2 minutes, if you cant get it, try a different one.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

million digits of pi!! wow

i cruised the web and found 1 million digits of pi its crazy!!


October 27th

First thing we did today was Mental Math, Mr. M talked to us and now we know that:
Parent teacher interviews are next week!
Next week we should have 45 objectives for Accelerated Math.
Next week is also about half way through the semester.

After that we learnt how to convert rational exponents to radical form and radial forms to rational exponents And to simplify rational exponents
Then we did some of the hard questions from exercise 21 (9 and 3b)
Assigned: Exercise 21, 1- 14 (except ones we did together)

I ran out of time yesterday for my post, so here it is.
Yesterday, we Exponents and Radicals. We learned how everything is classified, and why they are classified as such. Here are the notes.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Parellel and Perpindicular lines

Today we learned about parellel and perpindicular lines and how to graph them properly and learned the formulas and the definitions of both words. Mr. Maksymchuck also assigned excersise 14 1-9 for homework.

October 20

We did mental math first, then learnt the relationship between parell and perpendicular lines. Then Exersize 14 #1-9 was assigned test is moved to Thursday instead of Wednesday.


Monday, October 19, 2009

October.19 2009

Today we did mental math and went over problems we didn't get, from accerlerated math or from exercises, on the board.

Friday, October 16, 2009

October 16, 2009

Homework for Grade Ten pre calc , Block 3, was:
excercise 11- graph question 1-9
excercise 12- graph questions 1-9
excercise 13- numbers 1-11

October 16, 2009

This morning we started off math class with looking at nets and complicated 3-D shapes on Poly 1.11 . Then we practiced someone's homework on the board to make sure that we all understood it. We also worked on more linear equations and did mental math.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just Catch Up

Just catch up and make sure you know where the class is. Work periods like today should always be used for things like that. Make sure you know all the formulas and how to use them such as distance, Mid Point, slope, and our newest linear equations and how to find the question (equation) out of the answer(graph points). If you know all that then this is a great chance to get your mark up by catching up or getting ahead on accelerated math.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Media Literacy

Today was a work period in math. Since I wouldn't have had much to write, I was asked to look up media literacy. I looked it up and found that it is the ability to analyze media products, like questioning the motives, the money, the values, and the ownership behind media productions. It's where you are able to decode, understand, and evaluate all forms of media. That's what I found on media literacy.

Today we learnt one formula of finding a linear equation. The formula is called Point Slope form. The way you find the linear question is to first find the slope between the two points. Then after that, you pick one set of points to work with. After you just have to plug in your numbers and you get your linear equation. And it doesn't matter which set of points you use when you plug in your numbers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Today in Pre-Calculus Math class, we started with a bit of Mental Math. They seem to be getting trickier as the semester progresses. We then learned how to graph straight lines. It was fairly simple, but for those whom it wasn't, there are some instructions and examples above. Lastly, here is a neat tool that may help you find the slope of a line segment:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 08, 2009

Today in Pre-Calculas, we leared more about slope while some students did the test from yesterday becuase they were away. Our homework assignment from today is to do exercise 7 questions 1-10.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


If you didn't do good on the test today then you probably didn't study. The test was fairly easy but if you didn't study then you might have had trouble.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oct. 6/09

today we went over what would be on the test. thats about all we did.

Monday, October 5, 2009

october 5

Today in math we started the class with mental math. For the past few days we have been learning about distance between two points. Also today we learned how to use webct blackboard learning system which i find is very usefull for math. We took notes on midpoint and slope.

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2nd

We did mental math today, got out test back and did accelerated math.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

september 24

I was suposte to do this a week age but I din;t know how and I did't have time. And now I forget what was homework that day so I can't write it down but I can put notes up. So here they are.but I can't get them to load


On Sept. 24 ,we were assigned Exercise 10 1-7. Factor difference of squares and simplify full.

Catch your breath!!!!!!!!

Today in class we started off with mental math then Mr.macks said today was a work period. we were assigned Exercise 5 question 4 to question 20! when we have acomplished that then we may proceed to accelerated math.